
35 lines
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import requests
def create_message(message, entities):
# Check that we have a city to check on.
if 'GPE0' not in entities.keys():
return "ERROR: No GPE detected. Please include a location in your weather request."
# Read the api key to authenticate ourselves with.
with open('.openweathermapkey', 'r') as f:
apikey = f.readline().strip('\n') # Note that we need to strip the trailing \n
# Create the request using the location and key
owm_url = f"https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={entities['GPE0']}&appid={apikey}"
owm_resp = requests.get(owm_url)
# Handle error codes
if owm_resp.status_code == 401:
return "ERROR: Sorry, there was an error with the api key for open weather map"
elif owm_resp.status_code == 404:
return f"ERROR: Sorry, open weather map does not recognise {entities['GPE0']} as a valid city"
elif owm_resp.status_code == 429:
return "ERROR: Sorry, it seems that there have been too many requests to get weather recently. Please try again later."
elif owm_resp.status_code in [500, 502, 503, 504]:
return "ERROR: How on Earth did you manage to break things this badly! Let Damien know what shenanigans you pulled to make this message appear."
elif owm_resp.status_code != 200:
return f"ERROR: I got {owm_resp.status_code} as a response from open weather map"
# Reponse is JSON, so simply parse and use to create response
owm_content = owm_resp.json()
return f"""<p>Here is the weather in {entities['GPE0']}:</p>
<li>Weather is described as {owm_content['weather'][0]['description']}.</li>
<li>The temperature is {owm_content['main']['temp']}K but it feels like {owm_content['main']['feels_like']}K and has been between {owm_content['main']['temp_min']}K and {owm_content['main']['temp_max']}K today.</li>
<li>The pressure is {owm_content['main']['pressure']}hPa.</li>
<li>The humidity is {owm_content['main']['humidity']}%.</li>
<li>The wind is travelling at {owm_content['wind']['speed']}m/s at a heading of {owm_content['wind']['deg']}.</li>